Presentation of Brush Techniques for Chinese Calligraphy & Painting

for Association of Oriental Arts (aka Tao Arts)

@ Jaycee Center, Irving, Texas

April 10, 2010, Saturday 


Joshua Hough will be giving a presentation about brush techniques of Chinese calligraphy and Chinese brush painting on April 10, 2010 at Jaycee Park Center. The monthly meeting and reporting of Tao Arts will start from 10 to 11 AM followed by Joshua's presentation of Chinese brush techniques starting at around 11 AM for one hour or so. Tao Arts welcomes anyone attending and sharing this coming event. It's not required to bring your ink, brush, and paper. Tao Arts has 30 - 50 active members, mostly Americans who enjoy practicing Chinese brush painting in north Texas.

Jaycee Park Center

2000 West Airport Freeway, Irving, Texas, 75062
Tel: 972 721 2488


Many thanks to Todd for assistance                                            Introducing Master painter Pu Hsin-Yu


Due to time limitation, I have not explained many aspects of brush techniques and principles related to Chinese painting and Chinese calligraphy at and This is also because there are so many aspects and levels of knowledge and skills involved with the mastery of Chinese brushes. I believe by scientifically and systematically exploring the possibilities of brushes, a beginner as well as a practitioner of several years will understand the functions of different brushes and benefit from this lecture by saving their practice time and avoiding misunderstandings.

The topics will include the following explanations and techniques:

  • Angles, directions, and pressures of the brush

  • Timing and water factors

  • Paper selections

  • Sitting postures and ergonomics; Trigonometry

  • Comparing methods of holding calligraphy and painting brushes

  • Round stroke, upright stroke, and reverse stroke

  • Basic Chinese calligraphy strokes (not including Mandarin Chinese lessons)

  • Texture Methods in Chinese brush painting (CBP): How they are derived and applied from calligraphy strokes (Texture Methods 皴法 (Pinyin: cun fa) are the methods of showing the shades and textures of rocks and mountains by different kinds of brushstrokes in Chinese landscape painting.)

  • The benefits of practicing and applying Chinese calligraphy to CBP such as painting bamboos, pinetrees, mountains, rocks, and etc.

  • Different brush techniques of CBP: side cutting, dragging, pause, dotting, circles, curves, turning, rotating, shivering, tapping, wash, round stroke, side stroke, reverse strokes, and combinations


If you are interested in joining us, please feel free to contact Ms. Brandy Thomas at

The Association of Oriental Arts was founded by Ms. Iweeta McIntosh about 30 years ago in Irving, Texas. The Association has periodic exhibitions and seminars to preserve the traditional Chinese brush painting and to study the underlying principle of Oriental Brush Painting - the philosophy of TAO.

Every year the Association has exhibitions and seminars at Jaycee Park Center for the Arts and Irving Arts Center.

美國東方藝術協會: 在北德州達拉斯大都會區的歐文市有一個由美籍人士組成的東方藝術協會(THE ASSOCIATION OF ORIENTAL ARTS),該會成立於一九七九年四月,由 Iweeta McIntosh 女士召集一些中國畫愛好者組成,該會每年有二次向各地邀請國畫名家來舉辦國畫講座及授課,平常也定期有國畫課程,會員們常組團到大陸杭州美院進修中國畫,每位會員都齊全的文房四寶。三十年來,他們對中國畫的熱愛有增無減。每年一月初,他們定期在歐文市的藝術畫廊舉辦年度展,由全體會員提供一年來之精心創作,聯合展出,達拉斯市中國畫家林伊文謝鳳蓉等,也是該會之會員,有多幅作品參展,被該畫廊選來作為該協會本年度畫展之代表,印刷在歐文畫廊之宣傳單及請柬上,凡前往參觀畫展者,均可在入門處取得此精美之宣傳單,林女士多次應邀擔任該會之國畫課教師。在海外,能有如此多美籍人士,醉心於中國繪畫藝術,且學有所成,展示出來,真是直得大家前往欣賞、捧場,給予鼓勵。



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