Chinese Calligraphy Demonstration
Saturday, May 25, 2013
inside the Centennial Building at Fair Park
Selected Chinese Calligraphy Demonstration Videos and Pictures
My booth
Calligraphy written for a Taoist School of Taichichuan in Dallas with gold pigment on red Xuan paper
Selected Names Written on Yellow Cards: (Cecile, Drouin, Juan, Lucy, Martha)
During the early part of the festival, people came to each booth and had answers written on their passports, and then they stamped on their passports as a proof.
Then the administrator took away my two stamps and asked me to write something on their passports instead. I thought "love" would be a good choice for everyone.
So I wrote Love in Chinese calligraphy Running Style for hundreds of times which will be compiled into a YouTube video later.
The more than 100 Love was written based on the running style of the Calligrapher-Sage Wang Xizhi.
Videos and pictures are still being compiled...
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