Chinese Calligraphy Demonstration & Contest 

Confucius Institute Day @ UT Dallas, Alexander Clark Center

Sept. 30, 2015


Group Pictures:


Calligraphy Demonstration 



YouTube Video 德州大學 孔子學院  "理解與和平"行草書 書法表演


Several calligraphers wrote Understanding and Peace ( 理解與和平 ) in different calligraphy styles.


Calligraphy Contest 書法比賽



with Director Gu and Director Zhang of UT Dallas Confucius Institute


Understanding & Peace, Chinese Calligraphy & Painting Exhibition @ UT Dallas


Chinese Music Concert  



CalligraPainting Exhibition 

List of invited artists for joint exhibtion. Some live in China and some are in Dallas.


Three artists from Dallas Chinese CalligraPainting Association.





Pictures and videos are still being compiled...will be added later when I have more time.


Joshua's Journal:







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All selected videos and pictures have been uploaded on 2014.xx.xx.